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What is the refrigeration, vapor compressor refrigeration cycle, working and principle


Refrigeration is a artificial (human made) cooling , refrigeration means cooling a substance, items, space or system to maintain low temperature below the ambient temperature. its heat is rejected at a higher temperature. In other way refrigeration is the human being made cooling. Energy in the form of heat is removed from low temperature reservoir transferred to a high temperature reservoir. Refrigeration has many application, include household refrigerator ,industrial freezers and air condition.

Refrigerator has a large impacts on industry, office, agriculture, lifestyle, food store and house etc.

You know heat flow from higher temperature to the lower temperature spontaneously but this process is reverse here heat flow from low temperature to higher temperature some work expended 

fig 1 refrigerator 

Ø Main components of refrigeration:-   
Ø Compressor
Ø Condenser
Ø Expansion device
Ø Evaporator
Ø Compressor:- compressor is the two main work in the  refrigerator in which create the refrigerant flow in the cycle the  to increase the pressure and temperature  of the refrigerant   very high compare to the ambient temperature.
Ø And second to create the pressure deference and circulate refrigerant in the cycle smoothly run refrigerant in vapor refrigeration cycle
·       Condenser:-  condenser also main part of refrigerator and work of the condenser reduced the pressure and temperature of heated refrigerant which was sending from the compressor and heat rejected in the atmosphere that reason condenser exit heat in the atmosphere . but according the first law of thermodynamics always heat flow from higher temperature to low temperature because here condenser has high temperature to the atmosphere
o   Condenser after some time vapor refrigerant which sending from the compressor change into the liquid refrigerant
o   the purpose of the condenser is to receive the high-pressure and temperature gas from the compressor and convert this gas in to liquid.

Expansion device:- expansion device is the part of refrigerator in which high pressure and low temperature refrigerant coming from the condenser to control pressure by the expansion device. This refrigerant to control the pressure by a small hole and that refrigerant pass through the a small hole and like this control pressure of refrigerant  and after then to send this refrigerant to evaporator.

fig 2. air condition 

Evaporator:- evaporator have two main work first absorb heat from the room (environment) and second change liquid refrigerant into a vapor or gas. Which refrigerant coming from expansion device and in the cause have cooling  substance and human being feel batter  

Working principle of refrigeration:- cooling mainly produce refrigerator and air condition and also other way but in this time that is main


fig 3. vapor compressor refrigeration cycle 

These have main components (1) compressor (2) condenser (3) expensive device (4) evaporator and other devices now start working this component how to work

First of all we know compressor in detail compressor is the device of refrigerant in which working refrigerant compress and increase the temperature and pressure by the compressor and component of compressor is piston, cylinder, connecting rod and outlet and inlet valve. Connecting rod is connected to the piston and do reciprocating motion piston is compressed refrigerant which in by inlet and go by outlet valve. And this high temperature and high pressure refrigerant go to condenser. And condenser is a device which conversed vapor refrigerant in to a liquid refrigerant and change phase vapor to liquid.

This high pressure and low temperature liquid refrigerant go to expansion device and that device decrease the pressure of the working  refrigerant . now  low temperature and low pressure liquid refrigerant go in the evaporator  is the work of the evaporator to change the liquid refrigerant in to the vapor refrigerant in the case of absorb the heat from the environment or room and release the cool to the room produce  cooling and human being feel better and this process is repeat again and again  

Advantages of refrigeration:-0

ü The main advantage of air refrigeration is that the working substance or air refrigeration is available always in the atmosphere.

ü Items stay long life

ü Better sleep

ü Prevent electronics from overheating

ü Improves work performance

ü Reduces the risk of dehydration

ü A more secure home

ü Feel comfortable

ü Preventive of the food

Disadvantages of the refrigeration:-

ü High cost

ü Power Consumption high

ü Damage ozone layer

Application of refrigeration:- refrigeration has many applications, including household refrigerator, industrial freezers, and air conditioning. Heat pumps refrigeration is also use in the air plane, aircraft, train, bus, office, house, electronics device, food etc   




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